Advance Android Programming Topics | Interview Cracker

Special Android Development Topics  

"These are some of the useful android dev topics for interview and jobs"

Handling Media with Android: 

  Android provides two main API's for playing sounds. The first one via the SoundPool class and the other one via the MediaPlayer class. 
SoundPool can be used for small audio clips. It can repeat sounds and play several sounds simultaneously. The sound files played with SoundPool should not exceed 1 MB. 
Android supports different audio streams for different purposes. The phone volume button can be configured to control a specific audio stream, e.g. during a call the volume button allow increase / decrease the caller volume. MediaPlayer is better suited for longer music and movies. Learn More @ Handling Media with Android 

C2DM Android:

  Android Cloud to Device Messaging (commonly referred to as Cloud to Device Messaging), or C2DM, is a defunct mobile service that was developed by Google and replaced by the Google Cloud Messaging service. It enabled developers to send data from servers to Android applications and Chrome extensions.

Learn More @ Android Cloud to Device Messaging (C2DM)

Android Calendar API: 

    The class is called CalendarContract, and with it developers can read and write to the underlying databases that maintain a list of calendars, events, attendees, reminders, etc. If I had to sum it up in a word, I'd choose: powerful. If I had to sum it up in three words, I'd say: it's about time.
While I was pleased that Google finally got around to including the calendar API, much to my disappointment the documentation is thin. What I really hoped to find was a sample calendar application included in the Android 4.0 SDK; if it's there, I haven't had any luck locating it. In the end, I did what I do best: wrote some code, watched that code blow up, and then poked at the carnage until I figured out what went wrong.
Learn More @  Android Calendar API 


    1. How To Get Ads displayed in Android Apps?

      1. This has nothing to do with the topic above, by the way apply for Ad-Mob / Adsense .


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