Applications of Firebase

Why and Where I need Firebase?

Firebase is a versatile backend with a lot of good uses. use it on everything from blog engines to small realtime games.

When building a project, if I desire one of the three following things, I'll typically consider it a good time to use Firebase.

  1. I want short development time. It doesn't matter if it's a prototype or something I just want done tonight. If I want it fast, I know I can use Firebase to cut down development time and avoid messing with servers and data storage.
  2. I want my data in realtime. Any time I deal with realtime data synchronization in my applications, it slows development down and forces me to draw my focus away from the application. Firebase fixes this and allows me to make anything I want work in realtime without a second thought. This is huge to me.
  3. I want my application to scale. This is pretty straight forward. If I want my application to scale well, I can trust that Firebase will handle all my data without missing a step.

Nearly every web application I work on seems to fall into one of these categories and as such I've used Firebase quite a bit on personal projects.

Firebase also allows me to solve old problems in new ways.  There's many areas where you normally can get away without real time updates, but because it's so easy you end up being real time everywhere, and the overall user experience improves, especially on a single page web app like mine. I find myself constantly thinking about where I can use Firebase to improve something, whether it's performance, reliabilty, or shorter development time. Firebase can help in all areas.

There are some big companies that use Firebases services:
  1. PicCollage - iOS, Android
    Over 120mn downloads.
  2. Fabulous - Android
    Alexa rank, under 620k globally.
  3. Shazam - iOS, Android
    Over 120mn users each month.
  4. Skyscanner - iOS, Android, Web
    Over 50mn monthly users.

So conclusion is
Firebase is great when
  • Apps need to run from a central database and sync in real time between devices and browsers
  • Push changes anytime and anywhere with cloud storage
  • Intuitive API for seamlesss 3rd party integration
  • Social logins
  • Cloud messaging and notifications
  • SLL by default
  • Manage rollbacks
  • AB test updates

Firebase iOS Video Tutorial :

Firebase Android Video Tutorial : 



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