Learn Objective-c after swift the opposit way

Migrate from Swift to Objective-c

There is ton of material available on how to migrate from objective c to swift but believe me there is nothing on the opposite transition.

 No worry I will help you to get through it !
There is lot material for why should I need objective-c after learning swift but today I will give you some really important cut-short points:

-The frameworks are written in Objective-C.

-Objective-C is stable and well-tested.

-Total you will find more than 80% iOS Developers are still with Objective C. 
 -For Library of C++ you will need to talk to the C++ objects from Objective-C. Swift can call C functions, but I believe that if you are working with a lot of C functions and types, you will want to code in Objective-C.

-Maintenance of legacy code.

-Transition is going to TAKE time. 

-Objective-C is still the facto standard.

-Debugging a “nasty” bug is not easy in swift.

-The iOS developer community speaks Objective-C.

-How long will it take before the solutions include Swift? One year? Two years? No one knows, but we know that the developer community speaks Objective-C.

-For core functionality & deep down insights you will still need objective c.

SO the point is you have to start from somewhere for this transition & I will share my story how I did!

Basically in Objective c you will need to surrender for shortcuts and powerful verity of API's that swift has.
It can feel a little hard way of doing things, But at the end you will enjoy it because you can feel its more closer to hardware.

The best one shot get started video i found is this:

 As I will Explore more, I will put on the material & good resources for the same. 

Just keep checking this page for that, Suggestions & comments will always been welcomed.


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