Junior Software Developer Interview Questions

  • Interview Questions For Junior Software Developer Position

  • –  Create a menu driven program for all operations related to queue / linked list /circular queue.

  • –  Write a generic function to accept any data type and print them in reverse order.

  • –  Write a menu driven program to implement library, as following:
    • –  add book to library,
    • –  Print information(Name, Price, Author) about a book by taking input as
      book name or print book is not available.

  • –  Write a menu driven program for bank transactions:
    • –  Open an account
    • –  Close an account
    • –  Deposit to an account
    • –  Withdraw from an account
    • –  Login to an account
    • –  Transfer from one account to another
    • –  Print Details of an account

  • –  Implement Stack using array.

  • –  Find a number is Armstrong number or not.

  • –  fibonacci series .

  • –  Concatenation with Reversal of a string without using library functions.

  • –  Sort array of characters alphabetically.
  • –  Find a number is prime number or not.


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