
Swift 5 Quick Learning Tutorials with Snippets

Swift 5 key feature : 1.ABI Stability: Swift is now stable language. 2.Result<Success, Failure: Error>: remove 2 callback(success and failure) for API calling. 3.Handling Future Enum Cases: @unknown default 4.Filter And Count With “count(where:)” 5.Integer Multiples With “isMultiple(of:)” 6.Remove nil from Dictionaries “compactMapValues()” . --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----- Swift 5 - Integer Multiples With “isMultiple(of:)” Swift 4 Syntax let result = 5 % 2 == 0 print(result) // Output: false Swift 5 Syntax let number = 42 if number.isMultiple(of: 2) { print("\(number) is even!") } --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----

How to Plan AI ?

Write Program to Plan AI - In the very beginning, artificial intelligence  used something called the symbolic systems approach.  This approach allowed machines to act in a way  that seemed intelligent,  but in reality it was just complex pattern matching.  The symbolic systems approach allowed early programmers  to create expert systems.  These machines could do things  that were normally left to experts.  They could diagnose illnesses, give you a credit score,  and even help you with your taxes. The problem with these systems is that they  created long lists of matching patterns. Plan AI  They also required experts to create these patterns.  You needed someone who knew Chinese  to match every possible phrase.  Maybe you'd need a doctor who would  come up with an answer  to every one of a patient's questions.  You had to create these long lists of matching patterns. Sometimes this is ca...

[Solved] 100+ MCQ's on Cloud Computing

Solved 100+ Objectives on CLOUD COMPUTING  1. _________ computing refers to applications and services that run on a distributed network using virtualized resources. a) Distributed b) Cloud c) Soft d) Parallel View Answer Answer:b Explanation:Cloud Computing applications are accessed by common Internet protocols and networking standards. [Solved] 100+ MCQ's on Cloud Computing 2. Point out the wrong statement : a) The massive scale of cloud computing systems was enabled by the popularization of the Internet b) Soft computing represents a real paradigm shift in the way in which systems are deployed c) Cloud computing makes the long-held dream of utility computing possible with a pay-as-you-go, infinitely scalable, universally available system d) All of the mentioned View Answer Answer:b Explanation:Cloud Computing is distinguished by the notion that resources are virtual and limitless and that details of the physical systems on which software runs are abst...