BSNL TTA Salary Information 2016:
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL) is a telecommunications organization, having its headquarters in Delhi. It is the most reputed profiles in government services.

The candidates who are searching for the BSNL Salary Structure they are at the right web page. Here the visitors will get all the details about the Bharatiya Sanchar Nigam Limited salary

Large numbers of applicants want to Do jobs in BSNL and it is well known that there is good salary package in this job. 

On this page the content has been published for BSNL salary structure for JTO, TTA and Engineer Posts for both fresher and experienced candidates.

Numbers of candidates want to do these jobs but few of them can achieve their goal. You have to do lots of hard work, if you want to fulfill your dreams. Applicants who are preparing for this exam, they are curious to know about its Salary Package.

Candidates who want to know about BSNL TTA, JTO Salary should read this page. On this page we will discuss about pay Scale, Facilities, allowances and other benefits.  Selected candidates will gets salary and other benefits at different pay scale. In the below section of this page per month salary is described.

BSNL Salary Structure 2016
Annual Average Remunerations in BSNL Based on Job Category:
Posts Name
Annual Average Salaries
Telecommunication Engineer
INR 429,000- INR 469,000
INR 450,000- INR 600,000 with an annual average salary of INR 504,000
Junior Telecom Officer
INR 240,000- INR 634,000 with an annual average salary of INR 506,361
Accounts Officer
INR 420,000- INR 800,000 with an annual average salary of INR 573,333
INR 111,204- INR 120,000
Senior Sub Divisional Engineer
INR 500,000- INR 831,000 with an annual average salary of INR 638,500
Sub Divisional Engineer
INR 716,000- INR 826,000 with an annual average salary of INR 771,064
bsnl tta salary
bsnl tta salary
INR 290,000- INR 350,000 with an annual average salary of INR 310,000
INR 552,000- INR 1,260,000 with an annual average salary of INR 900,864
Senior admin Grade (Group A- Finance and Accounts)
Rs. 18400-500-22400 (CDA)
Junior Admin Grade (Group A- Finance and Accounts- SG)
Rs. 12000-375-16500 (CDA)
Senior admin Grade (Group A- level II)
Rs. 18400-500-22400 (CDA)
Senior admin Grade (Group A- level I)
Rs. 22400-525-24500 (CDA)
Senior Accounts Officer (Group B)
Rs. 13000-350-18250 (IDA)
Assistants ( Group B)
Rs. 9850-250-14600 (IDA)
Rs. 11875-300-17275 (IDA)
Senior Hindi Translator
Rs. 7800-225-11175(IDA)
Phone Mechanic
Rs. 4720-150-6970 (IDA)
Rs. 4720-150-6970 (IDA) 5700-160-8100 (IDA) 4550-140-6650 (IDA)
Junior Hindi Translator
Rs. 7100-200-10100 (IDA)
Rs. 4720-150-6970 (IDA)
Rs. 5700-160-8100 (IDA)

bsnl tta salary slip

bsnl tta salary 2014

bsnl jto salary

bsnl tta salary slip 2015

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bsnl tta salary in hand

bsnl tta salary slip 2014

bsnl tta salary 2015

HRA or Housing Rate Allowance:
Cities with population
HRA Rates
Less than five lakh
10 percent of basic pay
5 Lakh to 50 lakh
20 percent of basic pay
50 lakh and above
10 percent of basic pay


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