
Showing posts from August, 2016

Number systems

Number systems  Digital Circuits  GATE 2017  Full PDF:  Number systems Video Lecture on Number systems  Digital Circuits  GATE 2017  Number Systems and Codes (Notes) This is the first topic of Digital circuits. Its importance in digital circuits and systems needs to be seen. Number systems and codes are widely used in digital systems like microprocessors, logic circuits, computers etc. This knowledge also helps in understanding, analyzing and designing digital systems. Positional Number Systems: Number systems use positional notation to represent value .In decimal the units, tens, hundreds and so forth indicate value not indicated by the character (0 through 9) The decimal number system (0,1,2,………9) is commonly used even though there are many other number systems like binary, octal, hexadecimal etc. It is possible to express the number in any base (or radix). In binary system base is 2. The digital circuits operate with binary numbers. In general a number expressed in base-r has coeffi