How to use Android Frameworks Using Annotation Processing?

Annotation Processing: Android Frameworks This tutorial describes how to use in Kotlin popular Android frameworks and libraries that rely on annotation processing. The Android world has many popular frameworks simplifying development. You can use the same frameworks if you develop in Kotlin, often as easily as you'd do that in Java. This tutorial provides examples and highlights the differences in settings. We'll look at Dagger , Butterknife , Data Binding , Auto-parcel and DBFlow (other frameworks can be set up similarly). All these frameworks work through annotation processing: you annotate the code to have the boiler-plate code generated for you. Annotations allow to hide all the verbosity and keep your code simple, and if you need to understand what actually happens at runtime, you can look at the generated code. Note that all these frameworks generate source code in Java, not Kotlin. In Kotlin you specify the dependencies in a similar...