
Showing posts from November, 2017

Strong vs Weak Artificial Intelligence

Strong vs. weak AI - The philosopher John Searle pointed out  that you can think of artificial intelligence  in two different ways.  There's strong AI, and weak AI.  Strong AI is when you have a machine  that displays all the behavior  that you'd expect from a full fledged artificial person.  This is usually what you see in science fiction movies.  These are artificial beings that have emotions,  a sense of purpose and can even tell jokes.  Some computer scientists also refer to strong AI  as general artificial intelligence.  General AI is a broad intelligence  that doesn't just apply to one narrow task. Strong vs. weak AI Think of it this way, a strong AI machine  might learn a new language just for the joy  of learning a new language.  On the flip side, there's weak AI,  often called narrow AI.  This is AI that is confined to a very narrow task.  It might be like trying to process  your natural language into text.  Maybe it's trying to sort  all the pictures on yo

Define general intelligence

Define general intelligence : Smart Patterns  - Back in 1955, Dartmouth Professor John McCarthy  coined the term artificial intelligence.  He created the term as part of an academic grant  to fund the first AI workshop.  This workshop was to see if early computers  could behave in ways that everyday people  would identify as intelligent.  In the early 1950s, single computers  were taking up entire floors.  Even with their enormous size,  they had much less processing power  than modern smartphones. Define general intelligence So they didn't make much progress  creating a fully intelligent artificial person.  What they did do was create a new term  that ignited everyone's imagination.  The term, artificial intelligence, inspired a new generation  of journalists, writers, academics, and computer scientists.  It opened the door to large grants  that early computer scientists  used to build out a whole new area of research.  In fact, there's a good chance that if Professor McCa

Better Understand Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence : Matching The Sequence Artificial intelligence is fascinating field.  It brings out a lot of passion,  and many people have strong opinions.  Some people feel that artificial intelligence poses  one of the greatest threats to humankind.  Others believe that it's the path  to some of the best new opportunities.  Both would agree that we're at the very beginning  of what artificial intelligence can accomplish.  We now have the ability to find patterns that only a few  decades ago would have been impossible to see. Scientists can now make better predictions about  weather patterns, pharmaceuticals, and medical treatments. symbolic reasoning, machine learning, and artificial neural networks Businesses are using AI to predict your buying behavior,  better understand your requests,  or even help manage your day.  You can also see how AI technologies are becoming  more like us.  New virtual assistants understand our language  and can even joke with us while we

CDAC C-CAT Tips To Crack Exam:

CDAC C-CAT  Students Experience CDAC C-CAT  Tips To Crack Exam: Experience #1 Along with DAC and DMC CDAC also offers courses related to electronic field such as embedded & VLSI.  Candidates going for these electronics related courses has to give one more test paper for CDAC entrance, cdac call it section C paper. But, if you take a look at CDAC entrance rules, one thing you will notice that the more importance is given to CDAC section A paper Rank. And scoring good marks in section A paper is not easy as compared to section B or section C papers.  In section A paper, you have to solve 50 questions in 60 minutes which includes quantitative aptitude questions, reasoning & logical questions along with questions based on English language skills which arranged in increasing order of difficulty. CDAC has mentioned GRE2016 book and Quantitative aptitude by R.S Aggarwal as reference book for Section A preparation.  But, we found the difficulty of problems to be little higher than GRE.