
Showing posts from January, 2017

Deloitte Interview Questions and Process

Deloitte JAVA Interview Questions and Process I have given the Aptitude of Deloite for Java Developer  That was Amcat format aptitude: Reading comprehension 25 marks Quantitative Aptitude 50 marks Logical reasoning 25 marks Interview was conducted at Pune,India. There are 4 rounds in total process. Technical written/Amcat Aptitude Versant test Technical face to face Manager Round. Deloitte JAVA  Interview Questions: 1.Difference between abstract class, interface. Multi-threading concepts. 2.Difference between hashtable and hashmap, collections and collection. 3.Difference and programs like Fibonacci series using recursion. 4.factorial using recursion. 5.write code for jdbc connection in java class a { int i=10} class b { int i=5} public class c extends a,b{ psvm{  sop(i)  } } 6.Whats the difference between a Session EJB and a Entity EJB. 7.Gave a banking domain business scenario and estimate design costs. 8.Explain all design patterns. 9.How can you access private functions using refle

Spring programming using annotations

Spring programming using annotations Step By Step 0. To enable annotation support -- add context namespace & add the following <context:annotation-config/> --- To tell SC (Spring Container)--to enable annotation support(eg --- AutoWired,PostConstruct,Predestroy,.....) 0.5 --- How to specify location(base pkg) of spring beans to SC? <context:component-scan base-package="comma sep list of pkgs"/>--- SC starts searching(scanning)  in specified pkgs (including sub-pkgs) ---for classes anno with stereotype anno --- @Component,@Service,@Repository,@Controller Basic class level annotations meant for  SC Super type  @Component --- spring bean class sub - type annotations @Controller --- In Web MVC scenario -- for request handling. @Service --- Service layer (B.L) + transaction management @Repository --- DAO layer 1. @Component --- <bean id , class> --- SC interprets it & starts bean life-cycle. eg ---  @Component("abc") public class MyBean xml --

Advance Android Programming Topics | Interview Cracker

Special Android Development Topics   " These are some of the useful android dev topics for interview and jobs " Handling Media with Android:    Android provides two main API's for playing sounds. The first one via the SoundPool class and the other one via the MediaPlayer class.   SoundPool can be used for small audio clips. It can repeat sounds and play several sounds simultaneously. The sound files played with SoundPool should not exceed 1 MB.   Android supports different audio streams for different purposes. The phone volume button can be configured to control a specific audio stream, e.g. during a call the volume button allow increase / decrease the caller volume. MediaPlayer is better suited for longer music and movies. Learn More @ Handling Media with Android   C2DM Android:      Android Cloud to Device Messaging (commonly referred to as Cloud to Device Messaging), or C2DM, is a defunct mobile service that was developed by Google and replaced by the Google Cloud

Applications of Firebase

Why and Where I need Firebase? Firebase is a versatile backend with a lot of good uses. use it on everything from blog engines to small realtime games. When building a project, if I desire one of the three following things, I'll typically consider it a good time to use Firebase. I want short development time. It doesn't matter if it's a prototype or something I just want done tonight. If I want it fast, I know I can use Firebase to cut down development time and avoid messing with servers and data storage. I want my data in realtime. Any time I deal with realtime data synchronization in my applications, it slows development down and forces me to draw my focus away from the application. Firebase fixes this and allows me to make anything I want work in realtime without a second thought. This is huge to me. I want my application to scale. This is pretty straight forward. If I want my application to scale well, I can trust that Firebase will handle all my data withou

Top 16 Mobile App Development Companies in India | App Developers 2017

Top 16 Mobile App Development Companies in India 2017 | Indian Mobile App Developers (iPhone, iOS & Android) Is it a real struggle for you to find an Indian mobile app development company from a pile of thousands or may be more? I know your answer is yes because India is actually a hub of top companies where finding the one is like searching for needle in a haystack. To save you from such a striving task, I collected here a prime list of top mobile app development companies of India. They have made business-growing apps since years and still making them with latest introduced technology. They have precious assets which you call top Indian app developers making apps to interact more and more users towards your business. So, what are you waiting for? Here is the list of Top Mobile app development companies of India 1. OpenXcell OpenXcell is ISO 9001: 2008 certified mobile app development companies located in India and United States. OpenXcell is an expert in deve

Important JavaScript Question Answers

 JavaScript Objective QA 1. Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript? Answer: <script> 2. What is the correct JavaScript syntax to change the content of the HTML element below? <p id="demo">This is a demonstration.</p> Answer: document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello World!"; 3. Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript? Answer: Both the <head> section and the <body> section are correct 4. What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called "xxx.js"? Answer: <script href="xxx.js">  Wrong Answer! 5. The external JavaScript file must contain the <script> tag. Answer: True  Wrong Answer! 6. How do you write "Hello World" in an alert box? Answer: alert("Hello World"); 7. How do you create a function in JavaScript? Answer: function = myFunction()  Wrong Answer! 8. How do you call a function named "myFunction"? Answer: myFunct

How do you create a function in JavaScript?

  Functions in JavaScript JavaScript function is code that perform a particular task. A JavaScript function is executed when its called.  Eg.  function myFunction(p1, p2) {     return p1 * p2;              // The function returns the product of p1 and p2 } JavaScript Function Syntax A JavaScript function is defined with the function keyword, followed by a name , followed by parentheses () . Function names can contain letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs (same rules as variables). The parentheses may include parameter names separated by commas: ( parameter1, parameter2, ... ) The code to be executed, by the function, is placed inside curly brackets: {} function name ( parameter1, parameter2, parameter3 ) {     code to be executed } Function parameters are the names listed in the function definition. Function arguments are the real values received by the function when it is invoked. Inside the function, the arguments (the parameters) behave as local variable

Master The Web With HTML5 (30 MCQ's Test)

HTML5 30 Objective Questions Test Welcome to The fast forward brush your html5 test. For study Material and Video Tutorial Scroll Down & Learn ! HTML5 » Create online assessment html5 study pdf1 html5 study pdf2 html5 study pdf3 Learn HTML5 in 75 Minutes 

10 Most Important iOS Concepts every Developer Must Know

Important iOS 10 Swift 3 Development Concepts "Following are some of the most common interview concepts to brush up for swift3+iOS10 jobs"   ARC: Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) The LLVM 3.0 compiler handles memory management for you It is not a garbage collector! Prior to iOS5 – memory management was the single most difficult item to grasp in Objective-C.  Unless you have specific reasons, all of your projects should use ARC. MUTABILITY AND FOUNDATION VALUE TYPES   Provide Swift structs without NS for the following Foundation types and there mutable counterparts ▸ NSDate, NSURL, NSData, NSNotification ▸ NSIndexPath, NSIndexSet, NSCharacterSet ▸ NSAffineTransform, NSDateComponents, NSPersonNameComponents, NSURLComponents, NSURLQueryItem, NSUUID ▸ Obj-C APIs using these types will be automatically bridged to use the structs in Swift  let and var in Swift  let keyword is used to declare a constant and var keyword is used to declare a variable. Variables created with both of

Online Practice Test 85 Android App Development MCQs

Home Online Practice Test 85 Android App Development MCQs Objective Question Answer Test 85 Questions This test is of 85 Questions scroll down to get started with second test : #TEST  85 QUESTIONS ProProfs - ANDROID QUIZ » ProProfs Quiz Tool  Check Tis Out: 84 MCQ Android App Development Test 77 Most IMP Android MCQ's For Your Exam [solved]    50+ Android - Solved MCQ's [Topic Wise Sorted] 105 Solved Android Objective Questions   Android mcq questions and answers pdf what is AsyncTask in Android?   what is android Alarm Service?   what is Android Adapter View? what are Android Implicit Intents?  

84 MCQ Android App Development Test

Android » ProProfs Android Quiz  Check Tis Out:    Online Practice Test 190 Android App Development MCQs 77 Most IMP Android MCQ's For Your Exam [solved]    50+ Android - Solved MCQ's [Topic Wise Sorted] 105 Solved Android Objective Questions   Android mcq questions and answers pdf what is AsyncTask in Android?   what is android Alarm Service?   what is Android Adapter View? what are Android Implicit Intents?

iOS User Interface 12 IMP MCQ Test

iOS Gudelines (UI Design Basics) - ProProfs » Create your own Operating System quiz

110 Mobile and Wireless Technology MCQ's

Mobile and Wireless Technology 110 Objective Questions 1. Typical speech power A. 10 to 1000 µW B. 100 to 1000 mW C. 10 to 1000 nW D. 100 to 1000 pW 2. The maximum intelligibility for voice frequency is located between A. 250 and 500 Hz B. 1000 and 3000 Hz C. 500 and 1000 Hz D. 3000 and 5000 Hz 3. The maximum voice energy is located between A. 250 and 500 Hz B. 1000 and 3000 Hz C. 500 and 1000 Hz D. 3000 and 5000 Hz 4. A device used to measure speech volume. A. speech meter B. volume meter C. volume unit meter D. speedometer 5. By definition, for a sine wave A. 0 dBm = 0 V.U. B. 0 dBW = 0 V.U. C. 0 dBa = 0 V.U. D. 0 dBf = 0 V.U. 6. Presently, this is the “standard” frequency bandwidth for voice transmission. A. 0 to 4000 Hz B. 100 to 3400 Hz C. 300 to 3400 Hz D. 300 to 3000 Hz 7. Which of the following is commonly used wire for subscriber loop design? A. AWG # 19 B. AWG # 18 C. AWG # 30 D. AWG # 33 8. The resistance limit for No. 2 Crossbar Exchange (US) is A. 1300 Ω B.